It’s not a podcast, it’s just talking

January 16, 2012

It’s a new year, and Trev and Simon are like two new things, bought as presents and then kept by the givee just beyond the point that they can be taken back, or exchanged, or refunded. Why can’t we all learn from Sparks and their Suburban Homeboy mentality… “props to my peeps, and please keep your receipts…”

What am I on about? Who knows? This is the danger of letting me loose on the Trev and Simon blog when I have failed to maintain my own blog, Mummified Fox, so spectacularly. And whilst Trev is on holiday at the Huffington Post.

If there’s one thing I’ve heard four times so far this year it’s; “when are the two of you going to do another podcast?” It’s the most commonly asked question after “Do you still swing your pants?” and “Weren’t you that guy who once did something somewhere? With that other guy? The tall one.” And they’re the most commonly asked questions after “Do you do duvets?”, and that’s the most commonly asked question after “What do you do now?” and that’s the most commonly asked question after “How much for this?” as a too thin or too fat lad waves a bag of boilies in my face.

I now know no one knows what I’m on about, and Trev may take me to task (like a still angry Elvis Costello) for writing a load of old nonsense when all I said I would do was put up this little clip for your pleasure.

Here it is. It’s just us, talking nonsense for a few minutes in the bar at the BFI. We were there for a meeting with Alison Norrington from storycentralDIGITAL. We talked transmedia and then we talked Oobidoo. It’s good to get out of the house.